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In the code fragment below, the programmer has almost certainly made an error in the first line of the conditional statement. a. What is the output of this code C++ Programming Assignment. ATM Machine Phase 1. In this assignment you will create a program that allows a user to do the following:. ASSIGNMENT C++ PROGRAMMING. 1. WHAT IS C++. C++ (pronounced cee plus plus) is a general purpose programming language. It has imperative, object-oriented andObject-Oriented Programming 4. Developing a C++ Program 6. A Beginner's C++ Program 8. Structure of Simple C++ Programs 10. Exercises 12. Solutions 14. Programming problems. Exercise 1 : Write a C++ program to calculate Fubanaci numbers Xn, n=1,2, ,1000. Xn+1 = Xn+ Xn-1, X0=1, , X1=1, n=1,2, Exercise 2:. Homework, C++ Programming. Class. A.1. Implement a class Coding with two static methods: /* For any character c, encode(c) is a character different from c
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